
2021年5月20日—Heyall,justwonderingifthere'sanaddonlikeMoveAnythingforTBCyet...Addonformovingtooltipframe?...WoW:Classic.Acommunityfor ...,ThiscompanionaddonforRaider.IOshowsMythicPlusscores,RaidProgress,andRecruitmentstatuswhenhoveringoverplayers.,AddonforWoWClassic/TBCClassictoassistduringskillingupofgatheringprofessions...Orifyoumovefromonenodetoanotherwithoutthetooltip ...,2021年7月9日—Yeah...

Addon for moving tooltip frame?

2021年5月20日 — Hey all, just wondering if there's an addon like MoveAnything for TBC yet ... Addon for moving tooltip frame? ... WoW: Classic. A community for ...


This companion addon for Raider.IO shows Mythic Plus scores, Raid Progress, and Recruitment status when hovering over players.


Addon for WoW Classic/TBC Classic to assist during skilling up of gathering professions ... Or if you move from one node to another without the tooltip ...

Accurate Spell Tooltip addon?

2021年7月9日 — Yeah it's called Stat Weights Classic but again no TBC version of it which is sad to ...


This addon lets you link your spells and talents in chat to other players just like you would in retail. How to use: 1. Open your chat box by pressing Enter. 2.

TipTac for Classic+TBC

2019年5月26日 — TipTac for Classic + TBC (quickfix by DaMaGepy) Mouseover ToolTip addon, highly configurable what how and where to display in the tooltips.

Enhanced Tooltip

This addon expands Mouse over Tooltips to provide additional information. It is often required by other Addons because it allows easy additions to Tooltips.

TinyTooltip - Addon for Classic WoW

TinyTooltip: Adjusts the graphical appearance of the game tooltip. Use /tinytooltip for configuration. You can drag each element after clicking DIY. You can ...